Index |
Add metadata to dataframe |
Bound a outcome variable |
Tidy checks for model fit |
Convert time variables to season |
Create dataframe for marginal comparisons |
Create a fake dataframe based on a real one |
Programmatic way of constructing model formulas |
Create a variable's dictionary for its labels |
A function to describe the used dataframe |
Return information on chemicals of interest |
Title |
Wrapper function to estimate balancing weights |
Assess balance on covariate distributions generated through weighting |
A function to explore the missing values of a dataframe |
Visualize the distribution of the shifted exposures |
Extract the cohort label from the subject ID |
Find common confounders |
Fit various models with weighting |
Convert a DAG to a formatted string |
Repulsive textual annotations |
Title |
Various strategies to handle values below the limit of detection/quantification |
Various strategies to handle missing values |
Title |
Title |
Load local CTD file |
Select confounders to minimize missing values |
Title |
Title |
Visualize the CTD dataset after loading |
Plot effect estimates with confidence intervals |
Basic pre-processing of dataframes |
Wrapper function to derive a DAG's testable implications |
Minimalist DAG theme |
Visualize DAG |