Given a dataframe, this function performs the following steps:

  • Summary of missing values for the variables, grouped by a factor, using the miss_var_summary function. The information is the same as that provided in the previous step, but also in long format.

  • Summary of missing values for the cases using the miss_case_summary function.

  • Missingness report using the vis_miss function.

  • Little's test statistic to assess if data is missing completely at random (MCAR), using the mcar_test function. The null hypothesis in this test is that the data is MCAR.

explore_missings(dat, id_var, by_var, path_save)



A dataframe containing the variables of interest. A dataframe.


The variable name to be used to identify subjects. A string.


The variable name to group by. A string.


The path where to store the missingness report. A string.


A named list containing the objects corresponding to the steps described above.