Given a dataframe with observations as rows and variables as columns, and given a dataframe of metadata with variables as rows and information as columns, add metadata to the variables present in the dataframe.

add_metadata(dat, metadat, categorical_types, cols_to_exclude)



A dataframe or tibble of data. A dataframe.


A dataframe or tibble of metadata. Currently, the following fields are required:

  • description, a text description of the variable.

  • remark, any remark about the variable (e.g., if certain values were imputed).

  • type, type of variable (e.g., numerical).

  • comments, any other remark about the variable (e.g., unit of measurement).

  • dag, name of the variable as present in the DAG.

  • period, period of measurement of the variable (e.g., pregnancy).

  • label, labels of the levels in case of categorical variables, separated by a comma and a space.

  • code, levels of the variable if categorical, separated by a comma. A dataframe.


Identifiers, as strings, of categorical types. A vector.


A dataframe containing annotated variables.